
Edutech – digital teaching and learning.

We have ways of making you learn

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Digital Tools and Active Student Learning

It’s December 2020 and I have just completed the course Open Networked Learning (a course aimed at people working in education, interested in exploring possibilities and recommended practices of using digital tools in education). My take away message from the course is that digitals tools should be be used to promote active student learning. It…

Design for online and blended learning

Well everybody’s doing it now, and will continue to do so for the near future (online learning that is). What the Corona pandemic is over, I’m pretty sure that we won’t go back to doing things the way we did before. A lot of people are now used to online learning and see some of…

Collaborative Learning – A Personal Experience

Collaborative learning is seen as beneficial for students as it an example of active learning, where students actively present, share and test knowledge and ideas with a group of peers. It also has the added advantages of social connectedness and it reflecting workplace demands (Haythornthwaite, 2019). If students would like to more about the benefits…

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